Varathane Triple Thick Semi-Transparent
*Sub Brand: Triple Thick
*Transparency: Transparent
*Color: Clear Satin
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 50 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
Varathane Triple Thick Semi-Transparent
*Color: Clear Semi-Gloss
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 50 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Minwax One Coat Crystal Clear Polyureth
*Sub Brand: One Coat
*Transparency: Transparent
*Color: Semi-Gloss
*Product Type: Polyurethane Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Coverage Area: 50 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: 275 g/L
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Protective topcoat
*Same level of durability in one coat is comparable to three coats of conventional polyurethane
*Soap and water clean-up
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Time Before Recoating: 3 hr.
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft.
*Hand rubbed beauty with polyurethane protection
* Great for furniture railings and trim
* Easy to apply and fast drying
*Recoat after 2-3 hours
* Coats 2-3
Brand Name: EnviroTex
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Pour-On High Gloss Finish
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*Time Before Recoating: Dry to touch or 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 4 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Interior
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: Zero
Brand Name: EnviroTex
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Pour-On High Gloss Finish
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Interior
*Time Before Recoating: Dry to touch or 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 8 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: Zero
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: EnviroTex
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Pour-On High Gloss Finish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Time Before Recoating: Dry to touch or 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 32 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Interior
*VOC Level: Zero
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Varathane
*Sub Brand: Floor Finish
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Floor Finish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Water Resistant: No
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Primer Required: No
*VOC Level: 350 g/L
*Recommended Surface: Bare wood or stained floors
*Chemical Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*Coverage Area: 550 sq. ft.
*Base: No
*Prevents Hot Tire Pickup: No
*Skid Resistant: No
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 11.5 oz.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Better spray control
* Even coverage
* Use for doors, windows, trim, bathroom cabinets and more
*Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain and moisture and temperature changes
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain/moisture and temperture changes
*Recoat after 4 hours
* Coats 3
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Coverage Area: 100 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1372952
* Use for doors, windows, trim, bathroom and more
*Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain/moisture and temperature changes
* Recoat after 4 hours
* Coats 3
Brand Name: Deft
*Sub Brand: Defthane
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane Spray
*Container Size: 11.5 oz.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 450
*Time Before Recoating: 4-6 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 60 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Varathane
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 11.25 oz.
*Coverage Area: 30 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Brand Name: Ace
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane Spray
*Container Size: 11 oz.
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Durable coating protects and beautifies wood
* Resists tarnish over metal
Brand Name: Ace
*Sheen: Semi-Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane Spray
*Container Size: 11 oz.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Durable coating protects and beautifies wood
* Resist tarnish over metal
Brand Name: Ace
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane Spray
*Container Size: 11 oz.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Durable coating protects and beautifies wood
* Resists tarnish over metal
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Semi-Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 11.5 oz.
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Better spray control
* Even coverage
* Use for doors, windows, trim, bathroom cabinets and more
*Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain and moisture and temperature changes
Brand Name: Varathane
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 11.25 oz.
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 30 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 11.5 oz.
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 25 sq. ft.
*Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain, moisture and temperture change
* Use for doors, trims, windows, bathroom cabinets and more
Brand Name: Varathane
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 11.25 oz.
*Coverage Area: 30 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Deft
*Sub Brand: Defthane
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Polyurethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*VOC Level: 450
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 4-6 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Varathane
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Varnish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Coverage Area: 350 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Indoor and Outdoor: Outdoor
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
Brand Name: Varathane
*Sheen: Clear Gloss
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Product Type: Oil Based Spar Urethane
*Color: Clear
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Brand Name: Varathane
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 95-190 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Varathane
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Floor Finish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Varathane
*Sheen: Semi-Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Floor Finish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Semi-Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 100 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1373026
* Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain and moisture and temperture changes
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: Helmsman
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Spar Urethane
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Time Before Recoating: 4 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1373034
* Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain, moisture and temperture change
* Use for doors, trims, windows, bathroom cabinets and more
Brand Name: Man O' War
*Sub Brand: McCloskey
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Marine Spar Varnish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 350 g/L
Brand Name: Man O' War
*Sub Brand: McCloskey
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Clear
*Product Type: Marine Spar Varnish
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*UV Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 350 g/L